How to prioritize renovations?

Artemis Lin Design - How to prioritize renovation projects

If you have a number of projects you'd like to tackle but are unsure where to start, here are some considerations to determining what you should prioritize.

The List

Starting with the necessities, create an entire wish list. Consider any changes that would improve the functionality of your home - perhaps that's the addition of a bathroom or bedroom, or perhaps a home office or finished basement. Also add any desired upgrades to the list, such as updating the kitchen and bathrooms.

The Timing

If you only have a limited amount of time, a full gut renovation might not be feasible. However, a designer can help you figure out if everything can be done at once or how holding off on one may affect another.

The Reasons

If you're looking to sell your home, you'll want to prioritize projects that will give you the best resale. If you're buying a new place, some projects are best done before you move in, compared to "living through" them. Some examples include a kitchen remodel, interior painting, or refinishing floors. Your motivating reason for each item on the wish list will help determine the priority in which you should tackle them.

The Budget

It goes without saying that how much you can do is going to be dictated by how much you have to work with. After understanding your budget and wish list, a professional can help you determine what is realistic. A professional will be knowledgeable in the various cost factors that go into a whole project, and also know what the corresponding market rates are. This is important to not only ensure you are getting your money's worth, but also to maximize what you can achieve with your budget.
