We shape our homes and then our homes shape us.

Artemis Lin Design specializes in residential design & decor, helping clients with a wide range of design challenges, including:

  • Selecting architectural details and finishes
  • Collaborating with Architects, Builders and Contractors
  • Decorating a functional and beautiful space with furniture, fabrics, and accessories
  • Optimizing closets, pantries, mudrooms, playrooms and all those oh-so-glamorous spaces of real, everyday life

Whether it's a mini makeover or new construction, my goal is always the same - to create an end result that is reflective of your lifestyle and aesthetic.

It isn't simply about creating a "pretty" space. My goal is form and function. I want both! Of course I want it to be gorgeous, but I also want it to be livable -- for you and your lifestyle. Go ahead and drink that red wine, let the pets on the furniture, and use the good china.

Along the way, I remove the stresses and any feelings of overwhelm so you can focus on enjoying the ride. I also seek to share my love for what I do and how fun and exciting it can be!

I challenge the notions that great design must come at great cost and that designers are only for the rich and famous. No matter the budget or scope, my priority is on maximizing client budgets and directing dollars where it matters.

If you're ready to take things to the next level, click the button below to setup a consultation. And join me on social media for tips, inspiration, and other fun. I look forward to connecting!
